The wiki way

1994년에 위키를 처음 창안한 Ward Cunningham이 집필에 참여한 책.

Part 1. From Concepts to Using Wiki

Chapter 1. Introduction to Discussion and Collaboration Servers

Collaboration models

E-mail exchange (includes the mailing list):

The postings cannot be edited or easily cross-linked in any way useful to the group unless they are somehow collected with annotation features into a central archive. If such archival access is required, you might well prefer postings directly to the database, similar to the later models. —p5

Shared folder/file access:

To find particular items in the store, members need some form of index and prior knowledge of what is there, because many of the files will be in application-specific formats and not immediately “browsable”. —p7

Interactive content update/access:

… but the point is that the original “document” is available at all times, always in its latest version. —p7

Chapter 2. What’s a “Wiki”?

The simplest online database that could possibly work.

The essence:

  • A wiki invites all users to edit any page or to create new pages.
  • Wiki promotes meaningful topic associations between different pages by making page link creation almost intuitively easy.
  • A wiki is not a carefully crafted site for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape.

Usefulness criteria:

  • It uses a simple navigational model, with a quick cross-linking method to encourage linking together concepts “a click away”.
  • Editing page content is “ust a click away” by typing in text from the Web browser, using dirt simple “markup” when needed.
  • Anyone in the world can change anything.
  • It provides fast retrieval(fast, built-in search); links are page titles.

Chapter 3. Installing Wiki

Chapter 4. Using Wiki

Chapter 5. Structuring Wiki Content

Small Wiki hypothesis:

no wiki page is more than a few clicks away from any other.

Tip 5.1. Encourage short pages with many references. (프로그래밍도 마찬가지. —ak, 2003)

Encourage more, rather than longer pages. Keeping page size relatively small and spawning new pages whenever a topic or subtopic or even an aside suggests itself not only improves readability and general user friendliness, it also dramatically enriches the linkage space with new relationships that others can link to and build on. —p126

In fact, most Wiki structure is essentially temporary - more like sand dunes than anything else. —p126

Tip 5.2. Seed new wikis.

Seeding a new wiki with a core set of pages and “content templates” is generally a good idea for multiuser wikis - and usually better the more task oriented the purpose is. —p127

Tip 5.7. Navigation must assume “deep linking” entry to content. 사용자가 어디로 들어올지 알 수 없다. 어디로 오건 간에 유의미한 네비게이션이 가능하도록 하는 것이 중요할 듯.

In a hyperlinked information space, you simply cannot assume the linear “front door” model for how users com to the site. Most users come in by way of “back doors” because of search results or deep linking, and the navigation model must allow for this. —p132

Part 2. Understanding the Hacks

Chapter 6. Customizing Your Wiki

Chapter 7. Wiki Components Examined

Chapter 8. Alternatives and Extensions

Chapter 9. Wiki Administration and Tools

Part 3. Imagine the Possibilities

Chapter 10. Insights and Other Voices

Chapter 11. Wiki Goes Edu

Chapter 12. Wiki at Work

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